The UF4C120053B7S is a 1200V, 53 mohm G4 SiC FET. It is based on a unique ‘cascode’ circuit configuration, in which a normally-on SiC JFET is co-packaged with a Si MOSFET to produce a normally-off SiC FET device. The device’s standard gate-drive characteristics allows use of off-the-shelf gate drivers hence requiring minimal re-design when replacing Si IGBTs, Si superjunction devices or SiC MOSFETs. Available in the space-saving D2 PAK-7L package which enables automated assembly, this device exhibits ultra-low gate charge and exceptional reverse recovery characteristics, making it ideal for switching inductive loads and any application requiring standard gate drive.
AEC-Q101 Qualified
Qorvo | DigiKey | |
Product Category | RF Transistors | Transistors |
Product Number | UF4C120053B7S | 2312-UF4C120053B7S-ND |
Product Name | 1200 V, 53 mohm SiC FET | Single FETs, MOSFETs |
Transistor Technology / Material | 1200 V, 53 mohm SiC FET | Silicon Carbide |