Precision Surfacing Solutions Metallographic Precision Saws Micromet Secotron

The SECTRON 200 is a 3-axes cutoff machine for high precision cuts, with longitudinal moving work table, precise cutting force control, cutting wheel height adjustment plus cross-feed table. Fully programmable. Ideal for electronics industry applications and R & D.


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Metallographic Precision Saws - Micromet Secotron - Precision Surfacing Solutions
Mt. Prospect, IL, USA
Metallographic Precision Saws
Micromet Secotron
Metallographic Precision Saws Micromet Secotron
The SECTRON 200 is a 3-axes cutoff machine for high precision cuts, with longitudinal moving work table, precise cutting force control, cutting wheel height adjustment plus cross-feed table. Fully programmable. Ideal for electronics industry applications and R & D.

The SECTRON 200 is a 3-axes cutoff machine for high precision cuts, with longitudinal moving work table, precise cutting force control, cutting wheel height adjustment plus cross-feed table. Fully programmable. Ideal for electronics industry applications and R & D.

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Technical Specifications

  Precision Surfacing Solutions
Product Category Saw Blades
Product Number Micromet Secotron
Product Name Metallographic Precision Saws
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