The RGB color space is a basic additive color model mixed with white. One color is defined by three values. Each value is a percentage of red, green and blue. Each percentage can be vary between 0% and 100%.
HSL color space
The HSL color space includes hue, saturation and luminance. The HSL color space does not consider a white point as one without color, but as a neutral point of grey, somewhere between black and white. The HSL color space is represented as a sphere, a cylinder or a prism with six sides, with the hues and grey point in the center. See diagrams above for more details.
PCE Instruments / PCE Americas Inc. | |
Product Category | Color Meters and Appearance Instruments |
Product Number | PCE-RGB2 |
Product Name | Colorimeter |
Property Measured | Color; Hue |
Measurement Scale | CIELAB |
Instrument Type | Colorimeter |
Instrument Geometry | 45° / 0° (for 45° measurement according to DIN 5033) |
Light Source | 2 white diodes |