AsahiKlin AK-225 Precision Cleaning Solvents are environmentally sensible hydrochlorofluorocar
bons designed to replace chlorofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and other HCFCs that have high ozone depletion potential. One-hundred percent free of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), the solvents have substantially lower global warming potential (370) than PFCs and HFCs, as well as an extremely low ozone depletion potential (0.03). Their selective solvency, physical properties and ability to form azeotropes make AK-225 solvents ideal for general and precision cleaning, drying, dewatering and defluxing applications. They can also be used as carriers for silicone and fluorinated lubricants. They also have a broad range of compatibility similar to CFC-113. The boiling point of the solvents is 54°C, the freezing point is -131 °C, and they are thermally stable and non-flammable with no flash point. They are commonly used for applications where other alternatives cannot be used due to unreliability, equipment restrictions or other concerns.
Six standard formulations are available: AK-225 for precision cleaning, as a carrier fluid, for cooling and for other applications where CFC-113, HCFC-141b and PFCs were utilized; AK-225 AES, AK-225 T and AK-225 ATE for defluxing, drying and other applications where CFC-113/alcohol azeotropes and HCFC-141b/alcohol azeotropes were used; AK-225 DH for displacement drying; and AK-225 FPL for removing dust particulate and certain types of mold release agents from acrylic resin, stressed polycarbonate and ABS resins.
AsahiKlin AK-225 Precision Cleaning Solvents are environmentally sensible hydrochlorofluorocarbons designed to replace chlorofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and other HCFCs that have high ozone depletion potential. One-hundred percent free of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), the solvents have substantially lower global warming potential (370) than PFCs and HFCs, as well as an extremely low ozone depletion potential (0.03). Their selective solvency, physical properties and ability to form azeotropes make AK-225 solvents ideal for general and precision cleaning, drying, dewatering and defluxing applications. They can also be used as carriers for silicone and fluorinated lubricants. They also have a broad range of compatibility similar to CFC-113. The boiling point of the solvents is 54°C, the freezing point is -131 °C, and they are thermally stable and non-flammable with no flash point. They are commonly used for applications where other alternatives cannot be used due to unreliability, equipment restrictions or other concerns.
Six standard formulations are available: AK-225 for precision cleaning, as a carrier fluid, for cooling and for other applications where CFC-113, HCFC-141b and PFCs were utilized; AK-225 AES, AK-225 T and AK-225 ATE for defluxing, drying and other applications where CFC-113/alcohol azeotropes and HCFC-141b/alcohol azeotropes were used; AK-225 DH for displacement drying; and AK-225 FPL for removing dust particulate and certain types of mold release agents from acrylic resin, stressed polycarbonate and ABS resins.