Micromeritics Micromeritics Learning Center Course, 3FLEX 3500 PHYSISORPTION ADVANCED I

The pore structure charcterization mehods based on classical thermodynamics (eg. Kelvin equation) fail for pores smaller than 3 nm. Molecular models have been used for the pore structure characterization of activated carbons and other porous materials for 20 years. In the first application of the molecular model for the determination of pore size distribution (PSD), the fluid density was calculated using the local density functional theory and the carbon pores were described as slits formed between infinite graphitic walls. PSD analysis methods were subsequently refined by employing more advanced density functional theories such as the nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) as well as Monte Carlo simulations. The NLDFT analysis of PSD is applicable for both micropores and mesopores. Since the results of the analysis depend on the model applied, a number of NLDFT models were derived for various materials, gases and temperature conditions. These models are available in the Micromeritics data analysis software.


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Micromeritics Learning Center Course, 3FLEX 3500 PHYSISORPTION ADVANCED I -  - Micromeritics
Norcross, GA, USA
Micromeritics Learning Center Course, 3FLEX 3500 PHYSISORPTION ADVANCED I
Micromeritics Learning Center Course, 3FLEX 3500 PHYSISORPTION ADVANCED I
The pore structure charcterization mehods based on classical thermodynamics (eg. Kelvin equation) fail for pores smaller than 3 nm. Molecular models have been used for the pore structure characterization of activated carbons and other porous materials for 20 years. In the first application of the molecular model for the determination of pore size distribution (PSD), the fluid density was calculated using the local density functional theory and the carbon pores were described as slits formed between infinite graphitic walls. PSD analysis methods were subsequently refined by employing more advanced density functional theories such as the nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) as well as Monte Carlo simulations. The NLDFT analysis of PSD is applicable for both micropores and mesopores. Since the results of the analysis depend on the model applied, a number of NLDFT models were derived for various materials, gases and temperature conditions. These models are available in the Micromeritics data analysis software.

The pore structure charcterization mehods based on classical thermodynamics (eg. Kelvin equation) fail for pores smaller than 3 nm. Molecular models have been used for the pore structure characterization of activated carbons and other porous materials for 20 years. In the first application of the molecular model for the determination of pore size distribution (PSD), the fluid density was calculated using the local density functional theory and the carbon pores were described as slits formed between infinite graphitic walls. PSD analysis methods were subsequently refined by employing more advanced density functional theories such as the nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) as well as Monte Carlo simulations.

The NLDFT analysis of PSD is applicable for both micropores and mesopores. Since the results of the analysis depend on the model applied, a number of NLDFT models were derived for various materials, gases and temperature conditions. These models are available in the Micromeritics data analysis software.

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Product Category Technical Courses and Programs
Product Name Micromeritics Learning Center Course, 3FLEX 3500 PHYSISORPTION ADVANCED I
Type Product Training; Course
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