The military has experienced problems with clogging of air filters on its vehicles when operating in desert conditions such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan. The air filter in military vehicles traditionally needed to be removed periodically and tapped against the vehicle's tire several times to clean it. This operation must be done twice a day in order for the filter to last about 10 days before needing to be replaced. KCF Technologies has developed an acoustic cleaning system for military vehicle air filtration systems. The process involves applying sound vibrations to clean the air filter using a piezoceramic speaker, which is smaller and less bulky than traditional speakers. The technology applies to a variety of applications for high-temperature and high-amplitude applications, including fire alarms, industrial alarms, vehicle back-up alarms, and more.
KCF Technologies, Inc. | |
Product Category | Noise Generators and Sources |
Product Name | Extreme Amplitude Piezoelectric Noise Source for HUMVEE Air Filter Cleaning |
Device Type | Source |