Fortress Technology, Inc. Overhead Sweep reject

The Overhead Sweep reject uses a paddle located above the products conveyed through the production line. Upon rejection, the paddle sweeps across the width of the belt to eject products into a reject area or bin. Upon removing the product from the line, the paddle immediately returns to its home position. The Overhead Sweep reject is a suitable option where a standard kicker may be cumbersome due to the reject cylinder protruding from the system. It is effective to use with Discreet products up to 30 lbs.


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Overhead Sweep reject -  - Fortress Technology, Inc.
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Overhead Sweep reject
Overhead Sweep reject
The Overhead Sweep reject uses a paddle located above the products conveyed through the production line. Upon rejection, the paddle sweeps across the width of the belt to eject products into a reject area or bin. Upon removing the product from the line, the paddle immediately returns to its home position. The Overhead Sweep reject is a suitable option where a standard kicker may be cumbersome due to the reject cylinder protruding from the system. It is effective to use with Discreet products up to 30 lbs.

The Overhead Sweep reject uses a paddle located above the products conveyed through the production line. Upon rejection, the paddle sweeps across the width of the belt to eject products into a reject area or bin. Upon removing the product from the line, the paddle immediately returns to its home position. The Overhead Sweep reject is a suitable option where a standard kicker may be cumbersome due to the reject cylinder protruding from the system. It is effective to use with Discreet products up to 30 lbs.

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Technical Specifications

  Fortress Technology, Inc.
Product Category Industrial Conveyors
Product Name Overhead Sweep reject
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