Measuring system including sensor CAS74 and transmitter CAM74 for online measurement of nitrate, CODeq, BODeq, TOCeq, SAC, total solids, sludge volume, sludge index and turbidity.
Your benefits
Measurement directly in the process
Minimum operational costs - No chemicals required - No external sampler and sample conditioning - Self-cleaning and low maintenance
STIP-scan is an in-situ measuring system for the following applications:
Continuous monitoring of organic contamination in water and waste water
Continuous monitoring of nitrate in water and waste water
Measurement of sludge parameters
Special measurements in the spectral range from 200 to 680 nm
Measuring system including sensor CAS74 and transmitter CAM74 for online measurement of nitrate, CODeq, BODeq, TOCeq, SAC, total solids, sludge volume, sludge index and turbidity.
Your benefits
- Measurement directly in the process
- Minimum operational costs
- No chemicals required
- No external sampler and sample conditioning
- Self-cleaning and low maintenance
STIP-scan is an in-situ measuring system for the following applications:
- Continuous monitoring of organic contamination in water and waste water
- Continuous monitoring of nitrate in water and waste water
- Measurement of sludge parameters
- Special measurements in the spectral range from 200 to 680 nm