Our RS Pro R48 high strength retainer is a fast curing anaerobic retaining adhesive. The retainer adhesive is designed for you to use when you want to fill the inner space between your components to form a strong assembly. It is also designed for you to use for bonding your cylindrical fitting parts. Trade Name = R48 Application = Retaining Anaerobic = Yes Colour = Green Chemical Ingredients = 2, 1-Acetyl-2-Phenylhyd
razine, 2-Bis(Acryloyloxymet
hyl)Butyl Acrylate, Acrylic Acid, Acrylic Resin, Cumene Hydroperoxide, Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether, Hydroxyalkyl Methacrylate, Methacrylic Diester Of PE Glycol, N, N-Dimethyl-P-Toluidi
ne, Polyglycol Dimethacrylate Product Form = Liquid Package Size = 50 ml Cure Time = 24 h Strength = High Maximum Operating Temperature = +150°C
Our RS Pro R48 high strength retainer is a fast curing anaerobic retaining adhesive. The retainer adhesive is designed for you to use when you want to fill the inner space between your components to form a strong assembly. It is also designed for you to use for bonding your cylindrical fitting parts.
Trade Name = R48
Application = Retaining
Anaerobic = Yes
Colour = Green
Chemical Ingredients = 2, 1-Acetyl-2-Phenylhydrazine, 2-Bis(Acryloyloxymethyl)Butyl Acrylate, Acrylic Acid, Acrylic Resin, Cumene Hydroperoxide, Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether, Hydroxyalkyl Methacrylate, Methacrylic Diester Of PE Glycol, N, N-Dimethyl-P-Toluidine, Polyglycol Dimethacrylate
Product Form = Liquid
Package Size = 50 ml
Cure Time = 24 h
Strength = High
Maximum Operating Temperature = +150°C