The HopeRF transmitter & receiver modules are extremely cost effective but high performance radio modules. They can wake intermittently and provide direct control outputs to a microcontroller making them ideally suited for battery applications.,The modules will suit one-to-one multi-node wireless links in applications including car and building security, POS, inventory tracking and remote process monitoring.
·433MHz carrier frequency with FSK modulation. ·Low current consumption. ·Programmable receiver bandwidth. ·Programmable output power and high sensitivity. ·Range up to 300m. ·Data rate up to 115.2kbps with internal demodulator. ·SPI interface to communicate with MCU for parameter setting
RF Technology = RF Receiver
Kit Classification = Demonstration Board
For Use With = RFM01
Frequency = 433MHz
RS Components, Ltd. | |
Product Category | Electronic Development Boards |
Product Number | 7312760 |
Category | Development Suite / Kit |