Advantech Dr.Web Server Security Suite 1User 2Year CD 96SW-DRWEB-SER1U2Y

Centralized protection for all network hosts: PCs, mail and file servers and application servers including terminal servers, Internet gateways and mobile devices Comprehensive protection of workstations from most known threats powered by the built-in anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall and office control Support of Windows and Unix server platform, Windows Server 2008 or higher Operation of the program is guaranteed on the following environments: VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM
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Dr.Web Server Security Suite 1User 2Year CD - 96SW-DRWEB-SER1U2Y - Advantech
Cincinnati, OHIO, United States
Dr.Web Server Security Suite 1User 2Year CD
Dr.Web Server Security Suite 1User 2Year CD 96SW-DRWEB-SER1U2Y
Centralized protection for all network hosts: PCs, mail and file servers and application servers including terminal servers, Internet gateways and mobile devices Comprehensive protection of workstations from most known threats powered by the built-in anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall and office control Support of Windows and Unix server platform, Windows Server 2008 or higher Operation of the program is guaranteed on the following environments: VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM
  • Centralized protection for all network hosts: PCs, mail and file servers and application servers including terminal servers, Internet gateways and mobile devices
  • Comprehensive protection of workstations from most known threats powered by the built-in anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall and office control
  • Support of Windows and Unix server platform, Windows Server 2008 or higher
  • Operation of the program is guaranteed on the following environments: VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM
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Technical Specifications

Product Category Anti-malware Software
Product Number 96SW-DRWEB-SER1U2Y
Product Name Dr.Web Server Security Suite 1User 2Year CD
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