Vaughan Co., Inc. Datasheets for Liquid Handling Pumps

Industrial liquid handling pumps are classified in many different ways, and are distinguished by the media pumped and the fluid motive mechanism (dynamic or displacement).
Liquid Handling Pumps: Learn more

Product Name Notes
The Vaughan Chopper Pump is a centrifugal pump with the unique ability of chopping all incoming solids prior to pumping. This not only protects the pump from clogging, but also...
The Vaughan Company offers a series of portable bypass pump package options that can be used for tough solids reduction applications or low shear solids handling in temporary or permanent...
The Vaughan Conditioning Pump is a Vaughan Submersible Chopper Pump mounted on a portable stand and fitted with high-velocity mixing nozzle. The Conditioning Pump recirculates the contents of the wet...
Vaughan Company, with over 50 years of solids handling experience, introduces the Triton® screw centrifugal pumps, combining the benefits of Vaughan’s superior pump designs with the advantages of high efficient,...