3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Services
Service Detail from Empire Group

Empire Group can help you bring 3D printing from prototypes to production with Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM) expertise and the latest printing technologies. Our experts and engineers will flex to meet your product development needs from start to finish.
Because of recent advancements in 3D printing equipment and materials, additive manufacturing is the most attractive option for many production applications. Remarkably, material performance can match injection molding, and project costs can be significantly less.
Additive Manufacturing can give you unequaled design freedom, shorter lead times, and a streamlined supply chain. Most notably, additive manufacturing makes a multitude of things possible, including:
- accelerates production timelines
- optimizes inventory
- simplifies design changes
- gain a competitive edge in the market
Empire Group’s high-performance Additive Manufacturing capabilities include HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF), digital light processing (DLP), and micro DLP.