Small Quantity Boxes, Inc. Datasheets for Adhesive Tapes

Adhesive tapes are used to assemble materials or parts together using a sticky chemical bond. Adhesive tapes are made by coating a backing or carrier (paper, plastic film, cloth, foam or foil) with an adhesive on a web or roll coater.
Adhesive Tapes: Learn more

Product Name Notes
1' x 18 Teflon Coated Silicone Tape
1' x 36 Double Sided 1/16' Foam Tape
1' x 72 Double Sided 1/32' Foam Tape
1/2' x 36 Double Sided 1/16' Foam Tape
1/2' x 72 Double Sided 1/32' Foam Tape
130 - 2' x 110 Clear Tape (2.0 Mil)
130 - 2' x 110 Tan Tape (1.9 Mil)
130 - 3' x 125 Clear Tape (1.9 Mil)
130 - 3' x 125 Tan Tape (1.9 Mil)
15 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
15 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
15 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
15 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
2' x 1000 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 1000 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 1000 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 1000 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 1000 (2.2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 1000 (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 110 ' CAUTION - If Seal Is Broken'
2' x 110 ' Do Not Break Stretch Wrap'
2' x 110 ' Do Not Drop '
2' x 110 ' Do Not Top Load '
2' x 110 ' Inspected '
2' x 110 ' Mixed Merchandise '
2' x 110 ' Stop Alto '
2' x 110 'Caution Sealed Package - If '
2' x 110 'Fragile Handle With Care'
2' x 110 'Keep Refrigerated'
2' x 110 'Packing List Enclosed'
2' x 110 'Stop If Seal Is Broken'
2' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Nat Rubber Tan Tape
2' x 110 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 110 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 110 (2 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 110 (2 Mil) Nat Rubber Tan Tape
2' x 110 (2.2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 110 (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 110 (2.5 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 110 (2.9 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 110 (6 PK) (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 110 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Clear Rubber Tap
2' x 110 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 110 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Tan Rubber Tape
2' x 110 (6 PK) (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 110 (6 PK) 2.5 Mil Clear Rubber Tap
2' x 110 Black Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Blue Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Carton Tape Printed 'REPACK'
2' x 110 Clear Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Green Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Orange Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Red Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Tan Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 White Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 White Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 110 Yellow Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 1500 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 1500 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 18 Teflon Coated Silicone Tape
2' x 55 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 55 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 55 (1.7 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 55 (1.7 Mil) Nat Rubber Tan Tape
2' x 55 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 55 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 55 (2 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 55 (2 Mil) Nat Rubber Tan Tape
2' x 55 (2.2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 55 (2.5 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 55 (2.9 Mil) Nat Rubber Clear Tape
2' x 55 (6 PK) (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 55 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Clear Rubber Tape
2' x 55 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 55 (6 PK) (2 Mil) Tan Rubber Tape
2' x 55 (6 PK) 2.5 Mil Clear Rubber Tape
2' x 55 Black Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Blue Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Clear Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Green Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Orange Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Red Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Tan Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 White Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 55 Yellow Tape (2.2 Mil)
2' x 60 (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 60 (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
2' x 60 (3 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
2' x 60 (6 PK) (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
2' x 60 (6 PK) (3 Mil) Hot Melt Clear
3 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
3 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
3 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
3 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
3 - 3/8' x 60 Filament Tape
3' x 1000 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3' x 1000 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3' x 110 (1.7 Mil) Hot Melt Tan Tape
3' x 110 (2 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3' x 110 Clear Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
3' x 110 Tan Nat Rubber PVC (2.2 Mil)
3' x 60 (2.5 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3' x 60 (3 Mil) Hot Melt Clear Tape
3/8' x 36 Teflon Coated Silicone Tape
300 - 1 1/2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 1 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 1' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 1/2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 3' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 3' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 3/4' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
300 - 3/8' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
300 - 3/8' x 60 Filament Tape
303 - 1' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
303 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
303 - 1/2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
303 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
303 - 2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
303 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
303 - 3/4' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
303 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
303 - 3/8' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
303 - 3/8' x 60 Filament Tape
305 - 2' x 110 Clear Tape ( 1.8 Mil)
305 - 3' x 110 Clear Tape ( 1.8 Mil )
311 - 2' x 110 Clear Tape ( 2.0 Mil )
311 - 3' x 110 Clear Tape ( 2.0 Mil )
313 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape ( 2.5 Mil )
313 - 3' x 55 Clear Tape ( 2.5 Mil )
315 - 1' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
315 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
315 - 1/2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
315 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
315 - 2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
315 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
315 - 3/4' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
315 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
316 - 1' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
316 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
316 - 1/2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
316 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
316 - 2' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
316 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
316 - 3/4' x 60 (12 Pk) Filament Tape
316 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
355 - (6 PK) 2'x 55 Clear Tape (3.5 Mil)
355 - (6 PK) 3'x 55 Clear Tape (3.5 Mil)
355 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape ( 3.5 Mil )
355 - 3' x 55 Clear Tape ( 3.5 Mil )
369 - 2' x 1000 Clear Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 2' x 110 Clear Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 2' x 110 Tan Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 2' x 1500 Clear Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 3' x 110 Clear Tape (1.6 Mil)
369 - 3' x 110 Tan Tape (1.6 Mil)
371 - 2' x 1000 Clear Tape (2 Mil)
371 - 2' x 110 Clear Tape (2 Mil)
371 - 2' x 110 Tan Tape (2 Mil)
371 - 2' x 1500 3M Carton Sealing Tape
371 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape (2 Mil)
371 - 3' x 110 Clear Tape (2 Mil)
372 - 2' x 1000 Clear Tape (2.3 Mil)
372 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape (2.3 Mil)
372 - 2' x 55 Tan Tape (2.3 Mil)
373 - 2' x 1000 Clear Tape (2.5 Mil)
373 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape (2.5 Mil)
373 - 2' x 55 Tan Tape (2.5 Mil)
373 - 3' x 55 Clear Tape (2.5 Mil)
375 - 2' x 1000 Clear Tape (3 mil)
375 - 2' x 55 Clear Tape (3 Mil)
375 - 2' x 55 Tan Tape (3 Mil)
375 - 3' x 55 Clear Tape (3 Mil)
375 - 3' x 55 Tan Tape (3 Mil)
4004 - 1' x 18 - 1/4' D/S Foam Tape
4004 - 1/2' x 18 -1/4' D/S Foam Tape
4004-(1 PK) 1/2'x 18 - 1/4'D/s Foam Tape
4008 - 1' x 36 -1/8' D/S Foam Tape
4008 - 1/2' x 36 -1/8' D/S Foam Tape
4008-(1 PK) 1'x 36 - 1/8' D/s Foam Tape
4008-(1 PK) 1/2'x 36 - 1/8'D/s Foam Tape
4016 - 1' x 36 -1/16' D/S Foam Tape
4016 - 1/2' x 36 -1/16' D/S Foam Tape
4032 - 1' x 72 -1/32' D/S Foam Tape
4032 - 1/2' x 72 -1/32 D/S Foam Tape
4462 - 1' x 72 -1/32' D/S PE Foam Tape
4462 - 1/2' x 72 -1/32' D/S PE Foam Tape
4466 - 1' x 36 -1/16' D/S PE Foam Tape
4466 - 1/2' x 36 -1/16' D/S PE Foam Tape
5453 - 1' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
5453 - 1/2' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
5453 - 1/4' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
5453 - 2' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
5453 - 3/4' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
5453 - 5/8' x 36 3M Premium Teflon Tape
665 - 1'x 36 3M Double Sided Clear Tape
665-1/2'x 36 3M Double Sided Clear Tape
665-3/4'x 36 3M Double Sided Clear Tape
750 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
750 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
788 - 1' x 60 Filament Tape
788 - 1/2' x 60 Filament Tape
788 - 2' x 60 Filament Tape
788 - 3/4' x 60 Filament Tape
788 - 3/8' x 60 Filament Tape
8116 - 1' x 36 (2 PK) D/S Foam Tape
893 - (6 PK) 2' x 60 3m Filament Tape
893 - 1' x 60 3M Filament Tape
893 - 1/2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
893 - 2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
893 - 3/4' x 60 3M Filament Tape
893 - 3/8' x 60 3M Filament Tape
8934 - 1' x 60 3M Filament Tape
8934 - 1/2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
8934 - 2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
8934 - 3/4' x 60 3m Filament Tape
8934 - 3/8' x 60 3M Filament Tape
8959 - 1' x 55 3M B/D Filament Tape
8959 - 2' x 55 3M B/D Filament Tape
8959 - 3/4' x 55 3M B/D Filament Tape
897 - 1' x 60 3M Filament Tape
897 - 1/2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
897 - 2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
897 - 3/4' x 60 3M Filament Tape
897 - 3/8' x 60 3M Filament Tape
898 - 1' x 60 3M Filament Tape
898 - 1/2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
898 - 2' x 60 3M Filament Tape
898 - 3/4' x 60 3M Filament Tape
898 - 3/8' x 60 3M Filament Tape