Coating Services
Service Detail from Abrisa Technologies
Abrisa Technologies provides high-efficiency coatings for industrial, commercial, and opto-electronic applications. Our broad selection of coatings is applied via electron beam guns or ion-assisted deposition to influence and control reflection, absorbance, resistance, glare, and electrical activity.
From top quality Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) and Index-Matched Indium Tin Oxide (IMITO) coatings to patterned optics to Anti-Reflective (AR) and anti-glare glass, our expert engineering team can deliver coatings to your detailed specifications. We can provide coatings and components from 200 nm to 20 microns, from the ultraviolet (UV) out to the far infrared (IR). More thin film optical coating products include front surface mirrors (94% and 97%), first surface mirrors, dichroic filters, bandpass color filters, Anti-Reflective (AR) acrylic, beamsplitters, metal coatings, precision hot mirrors for a wide variety of wavelengths, cold mirrors, neutral density filters, IR and UV filters. Additionally, we offer oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings, bus bars, heater and anti-fog coatings, EMI shielding and more.