Product and Component Testing Services
Service Detail from ELANTAS PDG, Inc.

The Testing Laboratories of ELANTAS PDG, INC. consist of two labs - the Magnet Wire Lab and the Material Testing Lab. While these two labs work hand in hand, each is directly responsible for different activities.
Magnet Wire Labratory
The Magnet Wire Laboratory has testing facilities comparable to those of commercial magnet wire manufacturers. Testing is performed according to internationally recognized standards such as NEMA, JIS and IEC.
All ELANTAS PDG, INC. wire enamels are applied to wire here and approved before shipment. The laboratory also supports our Research and Development team. Specialized testing abilities such as high-frequency pulse resistance and freeze-thaw cycling give ELANTAS PDG, INC. the ability to develop unique products in response to customers' needs.
Material Testing Labratory
The Material Testing Lab conducts tests on all types of products. The work of this lab includes all of the testing required for product component recognition, and for listing of these products with Underwriters' Laboratories and on the federal government's Qualified Products List (Q.P.L.). The Testing Lab has been heavily involved with qualification work for UL 1446 and MIL-1-24092. However, the lab is not limited to this list of tests.
The Material Testing Lab conducts tests in compliance with any appropriate ASTM method and/or military specification for which it has the test apparatus.
Lab Recognition
The Testing Lab is recognized under Underwriters Laboratories' Client Test Data Program for magnet wire, insulating varnish and insulation systems testing per UL 1446.
Services and Fees
The Testing Labs of ELANTAS PDG, INC. are available to provide both services to our customers and testing for outside companies. When testing is performed for outside companies, the fee is based on the actual number of man-hours required to do the work.