Cablevey Conveyors Datasheets for Industrial Conveyors

Industrial conveyors are horizontal, inclined, declined, or vertical machinery that transports bulk materials or discrete units from one place to another at a controlled rate.
Industrial Conveyors: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Cable & Tubular Drag Conveyor Systems Cablevey tubular drag conveyor systems are designed to move materials in a safe, clean and efficient manner. Our cable and tube conveyors are ideal...
Protect Against Recalls with Metal-Detectable Conveyor Assemblies Cablevey’s highly detectable coating makes it easier to pinpoint contamination. What are Metal-Detectable Conveyor Assemblies? Cablevey’s Metal-Detectable Assemblies consist of cables and discs...
Our newest introduction for tube diameters, the 8-inch system is designed to carry large volume of nuts, whole walnuts, pet foods, breakfast cereals and other materials. Conveys up to 2,000...
The Clearvey™ system was originally designed for the nut industry because the stainless steel system would cause rubbing between the nut and the stainless and turn the nut black. The...