Excelitas Technologies Corp Datasheets for DC Power Supplies

DC power supplies accept an input power and output the desired form of DC power. Common types of DC power supplies include linear power supplies, switching power supplies, DC-DC converters, and silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) type power supplies.
DC Power Supplies: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Excelitas designs and manufactures multi-phase transformer rectifier units and light weight auto-transformer rectifier units suitable for airborne and shipboard applications. TRUs are a high-reliability solution for applications requiring reduction of...
Excelitas’ modularly designed Switch Mode Capacitor Charging power supplies are power-efficient and thermally efficient designs with various schemes available for nearly every application. The switch-mode topology helps solve power dissipation...
Excelitas' -150kV, 100mA E-Beam HVPS power supply with integrated AC Filament Driver of 25Vac, 50Hz, <20 Arms and Grid Driver of -30 - +170Vdc, 200mA. Grid Driver power supplies are...
High-Voltage Power Supplies are generically configured consisting of an EMI (electromagnetic interference) filter, PFC (power factor correction) circuitry, rectifier, inverter, high voltage transformer, multiplier/rectifier -filter, high voltage divider, and feedback...
Modularly designed switch-mode capacitor charging power supplies are power-efficient and thermally efficient designs with various schemes available for nearly every application. The switch-mode topology helps solve power dissipation and efficiency...
The -25 kV, 10 mA 250 Watt power supply incorporates a high frequency quasi-resonant switch-mode design utilizing an IGBT based power inverter with a completely air insulated high voltage section.
The -25kV, 10mA 250 Watt power supply incorporates a high frequency quasi-resonant switch-mode design utilizing an IGBT based power inverter with a completely air insulated high voltage section. The fault...
The -40 kV, 12.5 mA 500 Watt power supply incorporates a high frequency quasi-resonant switch-mode design utilizing an IGBT based power inverter with a completely air insulated high voltage section.
The -40 kV, 25 mA 1Kilo Watt power supply incorporates a high frequency quasi-resonant switch-mode design utilizing an IGBT based power inverter with a completely air insulated high voltage section.
The CE300 power supply is designed to run xenon arc lamps in a constantpower mode. The supply is designed to run the Osram XBO 300 and Cermax® Xenon family lamps.
The CEP301 power supply family is designed to run CermaxTM xenon arc lamps (default) or other xenon, mercury and metal halide lamps (by factory request only) in a constant-power mode...
The CEP301 power supply is designed to run Mercury arc lamps (in a constant-power mode (default) or constant current mode (by factory request only). The output power is adjustable from...
The Excelitas -150kV, 100mA E-Beam HVPS power supply with integrated AC Filament Driver of 25 Vac, 50Hz, <20 Arms and Grid Driver of -30 - +170Vdc, 200mA. Grid-driver power supplies...
The Excelitas E-Gun High Voltage Power Supply is a highly regulated power supply designed for use in an electron-beam system. The supply provides high voltage for the electron beam emitter,...
The High-Voltage Power Supply is a highly regulated power supply. The supply provides high voltage and has electron-beam emitter, filament power and closed-loop emission current control if used as an...
The XRSE High-Voltage Power Supply is a highly regulated power supply designed for use in an X-ray system. The supply provides high voltage for the X-ray tube, filament power and...
This Excelitas High-Voltage Power Supply (HVPS) is designed to power an E-Beam gun. The 1102710 Series HVPS provides two outputs, the HV beam supply and an auxiliary supply floating at...