Material Testing Services
Service Detail from KRÜSS Scientific

Our application labs carry out measurements to order and provides application related advice in the fields of surface and interfacial tension, contact angle measurement, foam analysis and interfacial rheology.
Our expert team of scientists and trained laboratory technicians offer the world's most comprehensive portfolio of professional measuring methods in interfacial chemistry. The application of widely differing measurement processes enables us to respond individually and flexibly to your requirements, and to jointly develop solutions for your special tasks together with you.
Tensiometric measuring methods
- Static surface and interfacial tension measurements using the Wilhelmy plate method and the Du Noüy ring method
- Determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC) and critical aggregation constant (CAC)
- Measurement of dynamic surface tension using the bubble pressure method
- Measurement of dynamic interfacial tension using the drop volume method
- Measurement of contact angle on flat surfaces using the Wilhelmy plate method and on powdery and fibrous samples using the Washburn sorption method
- Measurement of contact angle on single fibers for characterizing wetting
- Determination of the surface free energy of powders, fibers, fabrics and flat solids based on the contact angle
Drop shape analysis measuring methods
- Measurement of the contact angle on non-porous and porous solids in the form of static or dynamic measurements or as a function of time (e.g. in adsorption processes)
- Determination of the surface free energy of non-porous and porous solids based on contact angle measurements
- Determination of the polar and the dispersive fractions of the surface free energy
- Determination of the work of adhesion for characterizing adhesion
Foam analysis
- Characterization of the foamability of liquids and the foam stability during foaming and decay with different liquids
- Determination of the liquid content of the foam
- Optical analysis of the foam structure
At KRÜSS, we see ourselves as a company which generates something new from technical know-how, scientific expertise and an abundance of passion every single day. With this background, we do not only produce first-class measuring instruments for surface and interfacial chemistry - we also offer a unique combination of product and scientific advice. In this way, we help our partners to optimize and make better use of their technologies.