COSA Xentaur Corporation Datasheets for Calorimeters and Thermal Analyzers

Calorimeters and thermal analyzers contain a heat source that can deliver a heat flux, at a distinct temperature, into a sample, and a temperature-measuring device that can read the resultant change in temperature.
Calorimeters and Thermal Analyzers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
COSA Xentaur introduces one of the first commercially available portable Optical Gas Calorimeters. After extensive development work, this instrument proudes the fastest spot check response in the industry; T90=15 seconds...
The New COSA 9610™ is the latest instrument from COSA Xentaur for measuring Wobbe Index, BTU/Heating Value and CARI (Combustion Air Requirement Index). Calorimeter Measurement Principle (Residual Oxygen Measurement) The...