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Sifam Datasheets for Analog Panel Meters

Analog panel meters measure and display processes and electrical variables with a simple dial display.
Analog Panel Meters: Learn more

Product Name Notes
The Presentor Audio Level range of analogue panel meters complements the proven and popular Industrial and Fast Response series. The range is available in three sizes each in four styles...
The Presentor Fast Response range of analogue moving coil panel meters complements the proven and popular Industrial and Audio Level series. The range is available in three sizes each in...
The Presentor range of analogue moving coil instruments is available in four sizes each in four styles. Its modern flexible styling and high quality modular construction meets today’s stringent design...
The Vintage style meter was introduced by Sifam in response to the demand for the more classically styled meter seen on many traditional consoles and rack mounted units. The distinctive...