Jinko Solar Datasheets for Solar Panels

Solar Panels are modules built with a collection of solar cells and are used for the production of DC voltage and current directly from the sun energy.
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Product Name Notes
Eagle 48 Limited power degradation of Eagle module caused by PID effect is guaranteed under strict testing condition (85℃/85%RH,96hours)f or mass production. Polycrystalline 48-cell module achieves a power output up...
Eagle Black 60 Aesthetic appearance due to a uniform, darken module design, ideal for demanding architectural applications With up to 280 Wp and 17.11 % efficiency, highest performing module of...
Eagle Dual 60 White back plate maximizes module efficiency up to 17.11%, Transparent back plate, increases light transmission, ideal for installation requiring light pass through Designed for high voltage systems...
Eagle PERC 48 4 busbar solar cell adopts new technology to improve the efficiency of modules , offers a better aesthetic appearance, making it perfect for rooftop installation Higher module...
Eagle Plus 48 Limited power degradation of Eagle Plus module caused by PID effect is guaranteed under extremely strict testing condition (85℃/85% RH,500hours)for mass production Polycrystalline 48-cell module achieves a...
JKM280PP-60-V The maximum voltage is promoted to 1500V and the module strings are extended by 50% which reduces the overall system BOS The Eagle module can pass maximum voltage 1500V...
JKM300M-60 4 busbar solar cell adopts new technology to improve the efficiency of modules , offers a better aesthetic appearance, making it perfect for rooftop installation Higher module conversion efficiency(up...
M Series Built-in intelligent cell optimizer IC avoids negative consequences of any type of mismatch within a panel. The most flexible solution for any rooftop condition and orientation. Elimination of...